Welcome to the Stream Accounting API developer quickstart. Here, you’ll learn how to represent your streams in a manner that’s consumable by your traditional accounting tools with the Stream Accounting REST API. This guide assumes a basic knowledge of interacting with REST APIs. Let’s get started 🚀

What’s the Stream Accounting API

Check out this high-level explainer.

You can find the codebase here.


Swagger API Documentation

Superfluid Accounting API

Getting Stream Accounting Data

Selecting your query parameters

**chains (**number array)

Number array for the Chain IDs you want to limit your accounting data to. Currently these Chain IDs are supported 100, 137, 43113, 10, 42161, 43114, 56.

**addresses (**string array)

The address(es) you’re getting accounting data for.

start (number)

The Unix timestamp where your accounting data is to start from. Use this Unix timestamp converter for help getting the right number.