Join a community of builders pushing the boundaries of the Superfluid Protocol

The Frontier Guild isn’t a hackathon, it’s a community of hackers.

A small group of elite builders, working directly for the Superfluid Ecosystem.

Build value for the ecosystem and get rewarded

<aside> 🪂 Eligibility for future superfluid programs


<aside> 🎖️ Unique prizes by partners + Rewards in exclusive tier


<aside> 💰 $ 15,000 / month initial distribution pool


<aside> 🌊 Continuous Reward Stream split by Frontier Guild members


<aside> ✈️ Free flight tickets to Bangkok in November for top builders


<aside> 🏡 HackerHouse @DevCon in November for top builders



Build for the ecosystem

Judges are select members of Superfluid’s ecosystem, as well as Core team. Builders are rewarded for creating utility for those who use Superfluid the most.

Learn from the best

The guild will be a very small, curated group. You will get to be one of the first members, shape the guild’s culture, and work closely with Superfluid’s core team.

Continuous rewards

The reward pool will be streamed continuously to participants. Maximize your stake by impressing judges. Keep building, every month, and you’ll make a stable income.

At season 2, the program will have a $15’000 / month stream budget divided amongst participants. As the program matures, we plan to expand and extend this into a bigger program, incorporating cash and token rewards from ecosystem projects.
