Create Token from Explorer

  1. Go to the Network Directory and search for the token explorer in the right network.
  2. Click on the "SuperTokenFactory" for your preferred network
  3. Navigate the tabs to Contract > WriteAsProxy. Here's a direct link for Polygon
  4. Connect your wallet to be able to write
  5. Search for the createERC20Wrapper function, and input the required parameters, with no additional characters
    1. underlyingToken (address) ⇒ The address of the token you want to wrap
    2. upgradeability (uint8) ⇒ 1 will give the Superfluid Governance semi-upgradeability
    3. name (string) ⇒ Super + the current name of your token (ex. Super Dog Token)
    4. symbol (string) ⇒ The current symbol in upper case + lower case x (ex. DOGx)
  6. Confirm by pressing write and confirming through your wallet. Congrats, you've created a new Super Token Wrapper!
  7. Search for the new token's address in the event log of the transaction, or use the top right search tab (input DOGx and wait for your newly created token to appear in the dropdown)

Create Token from Command Line

$ git clone <>
$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
$ yarn build
$ cd packages/ethereum-contracts
$ cp .env.template .env

# edit .env file and configure the correct mnemonic and rpc endpoint
# check truffle-config.js for what environment variables are required

Deploy Unlisted ERC20 Token Wrapper

You should use the deploy-unlisted-super-token.js script:

RELEASE_VERSION=v1 npx truffle --network {xdai or matic} exec scripts/deploy-unlisted-super-token.js : {Underlying Token Address} {SuperToken Name} {SuperToken Symbol}

If you are wrapping an existing token, like DAI or USDC, please use suffix x in the SuperToken symbol. If you are wrapping your own token, feel free to use any name!

Request Listing

In order for the token to be listed in our user dashboard, please follow the following process:

<aside> ⛔ PLEASE Complete the form on our token listing page


<aside> ⚠️ While we track and support unlisted tokens, for optimal support from our dashboard and off-chain infrastructure it is highly recommended to list your tokens before using them!


🔥 Congratulations! 🔥